Towards sustainable nutrition: could mealworms provide a solution?
Mealworms are insects with a high nutritional value and could provide a source of animal protein that is more sustainable than traditional livestock.
Showing 10 results from a total of 337
Mealworms are insects with a high nutritional value and could provide a source of animal protein that is more sustainable than traditional livestock.
Dirty windows can harbour potentially harmful pollutants under protective films of fatty acids from cooking emissions – and these can hang around for long periods of time.
We all know that DNA → RNA → protein. But did you know that some genes don't encode proteins but rather RNAs with important cellular functions?
A waste of space: years of human activity in space have left thousands of objects in orbit around the Earth. Learn more about the risks they pose and what we can do about it.
Plants today are extremely diverse, abundant, and flamboyant. However, the first land plants, which initiated a great change in the flora and fauna on planet Earth, were very different.
We can’t image our home galaxy from the outside, so how do we study it? Learn how astronomers unveil the dramatic past of the Milky Way and peer into its future.
Future food: would you bite into a test-tube burger or a Petri dish steak? How do we make lab-grown meat, and what might it mean for health, farming, and the environment?
Explore the everyday science behind the quest to harness fusion energy – the energy that powers the stars – in a safe way here on Earth.
Flying high: did you know that cosmic rays can interfere with aircraft systems? Learn how scientists from ILL are working with Airbus Avionics to ensure safety in the air.
You may have heard pathology labs mentioned in crime shows, but what is plant pathology? Find out about the feuds between plant and pathogen that span millions of years.
Towards sustainable nutrition: could mealworms provide a solution?
Grimy windows could be harbouring toxic pollutants
Not just a blueprint for proteins: the importance of non-coding RNAs
Objects in orbit: the problem of space debris
When plants moved ashore and changed the planet
Galactic Archaeology: how we study our home galaxy
From Petri dish to plate: the journey of cultivated meat
The everyday science of fusion
What does particle physics have to do with aviation safety?
Plant pathology: plants can get sick too!