Editorial issue 37 Editorial article

Now, after a summer of travelling and collecting fresh ideas at conferences, I settle back and turn my mind to the future.
Since I joined Science in School in 2013, there have been many changes, some obvious and some behind the scenes. The redesign of both the website and print journal was a big change, and we hope it has made the publication more enjoyable for you. But we have also been working to define our plans for the future. One thing remains constant: our purpose is to help you, the science teachers of Europe, engage and inspire your students with science.
Science in School is headed in an exciting direction, and as the journal evolves your input will be, as always, paramount. Your support and feedback have helped make this publication the success it is today.
I am also excited about my own future, as I will be taking on a new job at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, just a short walk down the corridor from the Science in School office. You’ll still see my name on articles for a while, but this is my last issue of Science in School as an editor.
It is with great pleasure that I pass the torch on to Hannah Voak, who will work with Eleanor Hayes to make Science in School even better. Over the past few months I have been lucky to work alongside Hannah, to hand over what I know and to see her enthusiasm for the journal. Science in School is in good hands.
Thank you for your support. It has been a privilege to work with and for you all. I’m proud of what we have achieved, and look forward to seeing what new adventures lie ahead.