Showing 9 results from a total of 9
Thinking outside the box: explore the nature of science by building LEGO mystery boxes and challenging your students to solve the puzzle.
Great balls of fire: Try these dramatic experiments with gases to illustrate stoichiometric reactions and combustion.
Explore the science behind some of the SDGs and the key role science has to play in our efforts towards achieving them.
What's wrong with 'chemical-free' labels? Is ‘natural’ necessarily better? Learn how to spot pseudoscientific fake news in the media.
Build a simple yet sensitive school seismometer for a hands-on exploration of seismology.
Sparks students’ natural curiosity while learning about curriculum-relevant topics with ESA’s teach with space program.
How do social drugs affect metabolism? How is toxicity measured? How does climate change affect water ecosystems? Promote active learning by investigating these questions with Daphnia.
Meet the Higgs boson: what have physicists learned about this particle in the ten years since its discovery?
The mystery box challenge: explore the nature of science
Playing with fire: stoichiometric reactions and gas combustion
Sustainable Science: Articles for European Sustainable Development Week
Fake news in chemistry and how to deal with it
Hands-on seismology: constructing a school seismometer
Save the date for Back to School with ESA 2022–2023
From drugs to climate change: hands-on experiments with Daphnia as a model organism
Ten things we’ve learned about the Higgs boson in the past ten years