Explore energy production with the escape game ‘Village of the Future’
Strengthen knowledge in the subjects of energy supply, grid load, and data evaluation, while using 21st century skills in a fun way.
Showing 10 results from a total of 103
Strengthen knowledge in the subjects of energy supply, grid load, and data evaluation, while using 21st century skills in a fun way.
Under the Sun, light colours stay cool, while black heats up. But what does this mean for the natural world? Let's explore the consequences of albedo.
Small but mighty: investigate the role of herbaceous plants in the school garden for their contribution to biodiversity and sequestering carbon dioxide.
Seeing is believing, but how can you be sure that what you see is real? Find out how to distinguish between real and fake astronomical images.
Talking trees: discover how trees use chemicals to communicate with soil microbes and how this could impact their ability to act as carbon sinks.
Accelerate Your Teaching is a free online course for high-school teachers. Discover how particle accelerator stories can bring a range of STEM topics to life.
Biology, maths, and the SDGs: estimate the CO2 absorbed by a tree in the schoolyard and compare it to the CO2 emissions of a short-haul flight.
Act now for the Sustainable Development Goals: explore resources developed by European teachers bring the science of sustainability into the classroom.
Which is better: tap or bottled water? Try these activities based on simple analyses, a debate, and a blind tasting to learn about drinking water and encourage sustainable habits.
A waste of space: years of human activity in space have left thousands of objects in orbit around the Earth. Learn more about the risks they pose and what we can do about it.
Explore energy production with the escape game ‘Village of the Future’
Albedo and ice: positive feedback in action
Biodiversity and biomass in the school garden
CSI Astronomy: learn how to spot fake astrophotography images
Exploring the dialogue between trees and soil microbes
Accelerate your teaching with links to cutting-edge science
How much carbon is locked in that tree?
Sustainability in the classroom: teaching materials from Science on Stage
What are you drinking? Tap water versus bottled water
Objects in orbit: the problem of space debris