Fun with phages: how do heat and pH affect bacteriophage viability?
Bacteriophages look like alien spaceships but they are actually viruses that infect bacteria. Use these fantastic beasts to explore protein stability.
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Bacteriophages look like alien spaceships but they are actually viruses that infect bacteria. Use these fantastic beasts to explore protein stability.
A walk on the wild side: invite some ants to take a walk on your petri dish and discover how bacteria from their feet could help us reduce pesticide use.
Learn how fluorescence microscopy can illuminate our gut microbiome and its role in cancer.
What can we do about the antimicrobial resistance crisis? What does it take to develop a new medicine? Can we fight bacteria with everyday substances or even foods? Find out with these engaging microbiology activities.
A negative result from a medical test means you definitely don’t have the condition, right? Wrong: it depends on the false negative rate of the test and on your individual risk.
New research is revealing the previously unknown beneficial effects of tree canopies – and the secret life within them.
Scalding volcanic springs are home to some remarkable microorganisms, and biotechnology is now finding uses for these microscopic survivors.
A species of bacterium discovered on the decaying wreck of the Titanic is providing new insights into how to protect living cells from damage.
The same molecule that keeps mighty trees standing also led to the first multicellular life forms – and can even be used to make sweet treats.
This medical treatment might sound repulsive, but don’t pooh-pooh it just yet.
Fun with phages: how do heat and pH affect bacteriophage viability?
Footprints in the agar: growing bacteria from ants’ feet to combat plant diseases
Shedding light on the gut microbiome
Microbiology: Discovering antibacterial agents
How to understand a COVID-19 test result
The secret life of forests
Some (microbes) like it hot
Titanic and the iron-eating bacteria
Cellulose: from trees to treats
Manipulating the gut microbiome: the potential of poo