
Age group

Showing 5 results from a total of 5

| Issue 55

The art of science demonstration

Seeing is believing: although hands-on practical work is incredibly important, the value of an engaging demonstration should not be overlooked. Explore how demonstrations can enhance STEM teaching and learn how to make the most of them.

Topics: General science, Resources

| Issue 18

Pojedinačne molekule pod mikroskopom

Prevela Sara Todorović, Biološki fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu. Zar ne bi bilo fascinantno proučavati i manipulisati pojedinačnim molekulama? Patrick Theer i Marlene Rau iz Evropske laboratorije molekularne biologije (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) objašnjavaju kako, sa…

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Physics, General science, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering, Health