From gaming to cutting-edge biology: AI and the protein folding problem
How can AI systems like those developed to beat humans at games help unlock the secrets of protein function?
Showing 10 results from a total of 23
How can AI systems like those developed to beat humans at games help unlock the secrets of protein function?
The rush to find treatments for COVID-19 led to a badly flawed clinical trial influencing medical treatment worldwide. What went wrong?
As scientists worldwide try to understand and help tackle the coronavirus pandemic, we take a brief look at what is currently known about this new virus.
Should we believe what science tells us? A philosopher of science comments on teachers’ responses to this challenging question.
The Catalan primary school El Roure Gros has a unique concept: all learning is done through experimentation and investigation. Science on Stage Germany invited eight teachers from Austria, Germany and Italy to visit the school.
Exploring the Mystery of Matter: The ATLAS Experiment is an engaging and beautifully presented photo book that provides a captivating tour of the marvels of the large-scale particle detector experiments of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, the world’s largest particle physics laboratory.
Why is science important? “It helps us find out what on Earth is going on.” “It can lay the groundwork for a great career.” “It is our best chance for tomorrow.” “It provides us with opportunities and choices.” These and more statements can be found on Alom Shaha’s webpage, Why is…
Conspiracies are at the heart of many a good film and book. Swedish biology teacher Per Kornhall is the author of a critical book on intelligent design and how it is taught in biology lessons in religious schools in Sweden. He talks to Sai Pathmanathan and Marlene Rau about his fascination with…
Steve Jones talks to Vienna Leigh about the startling re-emergence of creationism in Europe, how teachers can help, and why he will never argue with a creationist.
The foundations of democratic western civilisation are under threat, argues Dick Taverne. Since the Enlightenment, material and social progress in our society has relied to a large extent on the achievements of science and on the freedom of scientists to question and experiment, free from dogma and…
From gaming to cutting-edge biology: AI and the protein folding problem
Clinical trials count on more than statistics
Coronavirus: the science in brief
Is science true?
Learning through investigation: Science on Stage visit to El Roure Gros primary school
Exploring the Mystery of Matter: The ATLAS Experiment, By Kerry-Jane Lowery, Kenway Smith and Claudia Marcelloni
Why is science important? website, By Alom Shaha
Teaching in Sweden: tackling creationism, making waves
Interview with Steve Jones: the threat of creationism
The March of Unreason: Science, Democracy, and the New Fundamentalism, By Dick Taverne